Raucous comradery is encouraged. Like a classic rock album, our games are best played LOUD.

To introduce some low stakes fun, Bet Your Buddy a Buck… or a trinket, or whatever loose change you have in your pocket…

HOUSE RULES (applies to all games)

  • Sloppy Dice: A sloppy roll. Drink!
  • Social:  in a single roll. Everyone drinks!
  • In the event of a tie: Dance off.


SINGLE SET ONLY. 3+ people. Each player needs three $1 bills (or objects) The loudest player goes first.

Roll 3 dice. The colors dictate where your dollars go.

  •  Pass a dollar to the RIGHT
  •  Pass a dollar to the LEFT
  •  Give a dollar to the house (put it in the middle)
  •  Keep a dollar

Play goes clockwise. If you have $3+, roll 3 dice. If you have $2, roll 2 dice. If you have $1, roll 1 die. If you are bankrupt, pass the dice to the next person – but stay in the game. (Someone will probably pass you a dollar or two later on.)

The last person with money wins the pot.


You must roll +  +  in order. You have unlimited rolls.

  • Example- Roll 1:  +  + . Roll 2: Leave the  +  on the table, and re-roll the .
  • Example- Roll 1:  +  + . Roll 2: Leave the  on the table, and re-roll the  + .
  • Example- Roll 1:  +  + . Roll 2: Re-roll all three dice.

SINGLE SET: 2+ ppl. Count the number of rolls it takes to get Bankroll. Pass it to the next player. Lowest number of rolls wins.

SINGLE SET (version 2): 2+ ppl. After every roll, pass the dice to the next player. The player that completes the combo wins.

MULTI-SET: One set per player. Speed round. Everyone rolls at the same time. First person to get (and yell) Bankroll wins.

BET YOUR BUDDY A BUCK: Chip in $1 per round. Winner takes the pot.


Similar to Bankroll, but with a variety of different Campaign challenges. Choose a Campaign to start each round. You have unlimited rolls to achieve the Campaign.

SINGLE SET: 2+ ppl. Count the number of rolls it takes to achieve the Campaign. Pass it to the next player. Lowest number of rolls wins.

MULTI-SET: One set per player. Speed round. The loudest person calls the Campaign challenge for the first round. Everyone rolls at the same time. First person to achieve the Campaign wins the round. The winner calls the Campaign for the next round.


  •  Herd of Elephants
  •   Asses
  •  Full House
  •  Social
  •    Bankroll (does not need to be rolled in order!)
  • Make up your own!

BET YOUR BUDDY A BUCK: Chip in $1 per round. Winner takes the pot.


SINGLE DIE ONLY. 3+ ppl. Each player needs three $1 bills (or objects). The loudest player goes first. Roll 1 die only.

  • Take a dollar from any player
  •  Give a dollar to the poorest player
  •  You’re President! Pay $1 to the center and make up a new law
  •  Keep your money

Presidential laws are in effect until there is a new president. If a player fails to abide by a law, they drink.

The last person with money wins the pot.


SINGLE DIE ONLY. 3+ ppl. Each player needs three $1 bills (or objects). The loudest player goes first. Roll 1 die only.

  •  Pass a dollar to the RIGHT
  •  Pass a dollar to the LEFT
  •  Keep your money
  •  Pay $1 in tax to the middle
  •  Pay $2 in tax to the middle
  •  Pay $3 in tax to the middle

(Note: If you owe more tax than you have, all your money goes to the middle)

The last person with money wins the pot.